Valentin Stănescu Giulești Stadium
Provided Service
Construction Design
Technical Consultancy
Geotechnical Engineering
On the site located on Calea Giulești 18 in Bucharest, it was proposed to modernize the existing stadium “Giulești – Valentin Stănescu”, in order to meet the quality standards imposed by UEFA (stadium category IV). Thus, following the intervention and modernization works, the stadium will have a capacity of about 14,050 seats, covered grandstands and annex spaces related to the stadium function – the area for athletes and officials, the press, the general public and VIP spectators, the maximum dimensions of the stadium. the construction being 170 x 115m.
The choice of the structural system, of the materials and of their execution system took into account in particular the following aspects: the resistance structure of the superstructure presents from the architectural point of view “faces
visible ”, unfinished; the resistance elements have a certain degree of repeatability; the deadline for completing the works is very short; the budget in which the investment must fit is limited. Therefore, for the realization of the resistance elements from reinforced concrete, a mixed solution was chosen, being used both prefabricated elements for the elements that have visible faces and / or have a high degree of repeatability, as well as elements made of monolithic reinforced concrete.
The structural elements that are made of precast reinforced concrete are the following: the steps, the “raker beam” type beams to support the steps, the central pillars that support the roof (from the level the floor above the ground floor to below the perimeter beam corresponding to the upper area of the balcony), the perimeter connecting beam located at the upper level of the balcony, the stairs and vomit, the monumental access stairs on the floor above the ground floor, the interior and exterior parapets. The rest of the reinforced concrete elements related to the superstructure (floors, beams, pillars) are made in monolithic solution. The roof that completely covers the grandstands is made of metal solution, and the building infrastructure was made entirely of monolithic reinforced concrete.
The foundations and infrastructure works were carried out inside a deep vertical excavation, supported by buried walls for the North, South and West sides and, partially, on a slope with a slope of 1: 1.5 for the East side. Considering the dimensions of the construction, the infrastructure was divided into 4 distinct bodies: West Tribune, East Tribune, North Lawn and South Lawn, with a 5cm settlement / expansion joint at the foundation level. The general construction system chosen for the superstructure is made of reinforced concrete frames. The construction has 4 distinct buildings: West Grandstand, East Grandstand, North Lawn and South Lawn.
An important aspect that led to the choice of the dimensions of the steps was the problem of their dynamic response to the rhythmic action caused by human activity. The human perception of vibrations is sensitive and therefore the criteria for accepting them must be set to a low level. The natural frequency of a system defines the extent to which it vibrates. Due to the nature of the connections of the steps with the beams and the way of joining the segments between them, they cannot ensure the effect of rigid washer in horizontal actions. Therefore, they were not considered as a whole as a diaphragm capable of transmitting the horizontal forces induced by the seismic action to the vertical or inclined elements. Given the very large dimensions of the structure, it was necessary to analyze the effects produced by thermal actions. The construction system of the roof is of the spatial metal structure type made of brackets with bars with lengths of 16, 20 and 25m, supported by metal tie rods made of tubular circular profiles. Metal tie rods are connected by perimeter reinforced concrete columns.
On the site located on Calea Giulești 18 in Bucharest, it was proposed to modernize the existing stadium "Giulești - Valentin Stănescu", in order to meet the quality standards imposed by UEFA (stadium category IV). Thus, following the intervention and modernization works, the stadium will have a capacity of about 14,050 seats, covered grandstands and annex spaces related to the stadium function - the area for athletes and officials, the press, the general public and VIP spectators, the maximum dimensions of the stadium. the construction being 170 x 115m.
On the site located on Calea Giulești 18 in Bucharest, it was proposed to modernize the existing stadium "Giulești - Valentin Stănescu", in order to meet the quality standards imposed by UEFA (stadium category IV). Thus, following the intervention and modernization works, the stadium will have a capacity of about 14,050 seats, covered grandstands and annex spaces related to the stadium function - the area for athletes and officials, the press, the general public and VIP spectators, the maximum dimensions of the stadium. the construction being 170 x 115m.