Provided Service
Attendance at conferences
Between 25-27 April we participated in the sixth edition of Construct Fest 2023, an event organized by UTCB for students, aiming to establish a contact between university and companies in the construction industry.
During the sessions dedicated to participating companies and at our booth, we had the opportunity to present to interested students details about our internship and traineeship programs.
In addition, at the stand, our colleagues from technical departments provided information about the profession of structural design or geotechnical design engineer. Visitors to our stand were also able to see demonstrations of the equipment our team uses in the field, whether for 3D laser scanning or for construction monitoring, whether completed or under construction.
We enjoyed the effervescent atmosphere of these few days, made new contacts and met the next generation of construction engineers. For those interested, the first steps towards a career in construction were taken.
The event took place in the Faculty of Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings in Bucharest.