Cărturești Carusel Bookstore – 55 Lipscani Street
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Construction Design
Technical Consultancy
Heritage Buildings
Home|Projects|Cărturești Carusel Bookstore – 55 Lipscani Street
The building located at 55 Lipscani Street in the center of Bucharest has recently enjoyed a special public attention, rightly generated, almost exclusively, by the recent conversion of an old building into a vibrant cultural center, now known as Librăria Cărtureşti-carousel. The building located in the historical, cultural and social center of Bucharest, which today houses the elegant Cărturești-Carusel bookstore, came into the possession of the Chrissoveloni family in 1903 when it was bought by Nicolas Chrissoveloni to serve as the bank of the bank that bore his name. . In the first decades of the last century, the building served as the headquarters of the financial institution run by the Chrissoveloni family, and later, in the interwar period, its destination was changed to “People’s Bazaar” remaining in the possession of the same family. took place at the end of the Second World War, the building was forcibly nationalized, but it retained its commercial function, being known as the “Family Store”. After 1990, the delicate physical condition of the building that housed the former Chrissoveloni bank becomes visible, when together with the entire area of which it is part, the building enters a period of decay, reaching an advanced state of degradation. In the second half of the 2000s, the building regained possession of the rightful owners, who set out to consolidate, refurbish and restore the building for public use.
Pornind de la această stare de fapt, întreg proiectul s-a transformat într-o oportunitate pentru realizarea unui exemplu de bună practică, al cărui scop nu se încheie odată cu finalizarea lucrărilor propriu-zise, ci mai degrabă el continuă prin stabilirea unor standarde ridicate în practicile de consolidare și refuncționalizare a imobilelor istorice.
The consolidation proposal finally implemented essentially involved the introduction of a structural seismic system capable of fully taking over the seismic calculation forces, by creating a new reinforced concrete structure, located inside the old masonry walls, with which it works. At the same time, the reorganization of the basement was established by deepening it and extending it to the north side of the building.
From an investment point of view, the general public appreciations and the interest shown for the newly created space strengthen the proof of the financial viability of such works, proving in fact again that not only the fear of calamity can determine the implementation of rehabilitation works, but also the interest. real economic.
Probably, however, that the most significant achievement obtained through the Cărturești-Carusel work is not related to the high standard of the works put in place or to the technical solutions offered, but rather to the inoculation in the public consciousness of what can be done, raising -there are the requirements of the “consumer of built space” for quality works.
The rehabilitation works involved maintaining the special architectural style of the building, along with increasing the usable area, by expanding the basement and creating a commercial space in the old attic. The seismic assurance of the building was achieved by introducing a system of transverse frames made of reinforced concrete, along with the construction of the general screed in the basement. A special importance was given to the insurance of the neighboring buildings, classified in class I of seismic risk, whose foundations are in an advanced state of degradation.
Execution framed on 3 sides of real estate RSI and RSII; Protecting significant elements from an architectural point of view; Expansion of commercial building area; Occurrence of multiple unforeseen situations during execution
The rehabilitation works involved maintaining the special architectural style of the building, along with increasing the usable area, by expanding the basement and creating a commercial space in the old attic. The seismic assurance of the building was achieved by introducing a system of transverse frames made of reinforced concrete, along with the construction of the general screed in the basement. A special importance was given to the insurance of the neighboring buildings, classified in class I of seismic risk, whose foundations are in an advanced state of degradation.
Number of Storeys:
Execution framed on 3 sides of real estate RSI and RSII; Protecting significant elements from an architectural point of view; Expansion of commercial building area; Occurrence of multiple unforeseen situations during execution